We asked strength and conditioning coaches and sports scientists throughout the world what they wanted in a force platform for athlete performance diagnosis and training.

Lighter and more portable – built for travel – but equally effective in the weight room or laboratory
Constructed in Australia from carbon fiber composite to the highest quality standards
Not just total force measurement but 4 individual load cell signals for superior symmetry analysis without the cost, weight, complexity and inconvenience of dual platforms
BUT…. Two C-Force platforms can be connected to achieve an even more powerful solution – DUAL platforms, with 8 simultaneous force signals and a total surface area of 140cm x 50 cm OR 100cm x 70cm. Now THAT is cool!
Not reliant on mains power, no batteries to recharge or go flat
Super fast sample rate up to 1,000 samples per second
Very high resolution with 18 bit data acquisition
Large enough to test tall athletes
Capable of a wide range of both dynamic and isometric strength and power tests:
- countermovement jump, concentric only (squat) jump, depth jump
- weightlifting movements e.g. snatch, high pull, clean
- single leg hops and landings
- land and hold – single and double leg
- isometric mid-thigh pull, squat, posterior chain, shoulders
- upper body ballistic e.g. pushup, shoulder press
- and many more…
Interfaced with Windows or Mac computers for full computer processing power
No smart phones, tablets or reliance on a network connection
All data is stored locally on your computer for confidentiality and security BUT we also offer full cloud storage, analytics and visualisation
You buy it – you own it, no ongoing costs of leasing or software subscription (optional cloud platform requires subscription)

Innervations has designed and created a new performance force platform based on over 38 years of athlete and patient performance diagnosis.

- 700mm x 500m x 50mm platform dimensions
- Up to 1,000 per second (Hz) sampling frequency on all four force channels
- Powered entirely from USB connection to computer
- Constructed entirely from carbon fiber apart from load cells, cables and USB interface
- Maximum force measurement of 9,800 N (1000 kg mass equivalent)
- Can be configured with dual platforms for simultaneous left and right data collection
- 4 independent force channels for symmetry, balance and stability analysis with a single platform
- Less than 10kg mass
- 18 bit AtoD for resolution of 0.04 N (0.003 kg or 3 gm mass equivalent)
- Includes latest Ballistic Measurement System Version 2 software
- Includes latest Innerbalance software
- Supporting dual screens, rapid trial analysis, symmetry assessment, and real time feedback
Please see our information videos: