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Our 2020 release of the Ballistic Measurement System is an extensive update with new features, more options, easier to use, faster and more accurate performance diagnosis.
- NEW – fully automatic trials recognition, data save, analytics and visualisation in real-time
- NEW – Performance diagnosis and feedback screen with visual and audio metrics
- NEW – Athlete/Client/Patient lists now include image and quick search for faster identification
- NEW – Full support for multiple windows and screens – simultaneously display detailed analysis and control with second screen for key data, visuals and real-time performance feedback.
- NEW – Crop tool zooms in on selected movements and phases for more detailed analytics and visualisations.
- Twelve additional calculated variables and more detailed analysis of unloading, yielding and braking components of the eccentric phase
- Improved symmetry analysis with extensive left to right comparisons using a single force platform
- Instantly select, recall and analyse trials from the same or multiple individuals
BMS 2020 Release details can be viewed on the webpage
BMS Version 2 subscribers can download the 2020 release now
BMS Version 1 subscribers can upgrade at a 33% discount by contacting us
BMS Version 1 subscribers can request a 30 day free trial of BMSV2 2020 Release by contacting us